Library has a unique collection of resources in the field of electro-chemistry
and allied disciplines and being served to scientists and scholars since
its inception in 1953. The library enriches collection of books, journals,
patents, standards, theses and other documents of research value. Currently,
the library subscribes 120 journals including 80 international and 40 domestic
with the worth of Rs. 56 Lakhs apart from the exchange and complimentary
journals. To-date, it has 47391 books and back volumes, around 7500 patents,
2800 standards and 2700 technical reports. The library is automated with
LibSys software for its functions and transactions. It has an in-house
bindery and reprographic facility. Other services provided by the library
include bibliometric analysis of research papers; literature search services
from various online and CD-ROM databases such as ScienceDirect, Ingenta,
Chemistry Citation Index, etc. The main function of the library is to provide
information services and access to bibliographic and full text digital
and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs
of CECRI scientists and scholars. The library serves as a knowledge centre
for the students of B.Tech. and M.Tech. at CECRI. It also extends its services
to the researchers and students from various colleges, universities, industries
and other research laboratories. Outside users can get prior permission
from Officer-in-Charge, Library, CECRI, to use the library.
The library holds entire collection of Chemical Abstracts (print) since 1927 and named as one of the Signature Libraries by The American Chemical Society, USA.
The Electrochemical Society, NJ, USA, has presented "The Leadership Circle Award" (Silver Level) for CECRI's continuous support and contribution as a member of the Society over 13 years.
Shelf Arrangement of Books
The library follows arrangements of books according to the standard edition of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system.
Library Hours
The library functions on all working days from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM and on Saturdays from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM. It does not function on Sundays and Government Holidays.
Circulation Service
Circulation section of the Library functions on all working days including Saturdays. The transactions includes Books, Journals (bound volumes & loose issues), Thesis and Standards.
Documents are issued on loan up-to 30 days.
Numbers of document (eligibility) depends on the group and designation of
Loose issues and bound volumes of journals are issued for overnight only.
Over due charges collected for documents.
Reference books and other multi volume books are not for issue.
Note: Second lending of documents are not allowed as per library rules.
Photocopy service
Photocopy facility is available for the staff members of CECRI from the Library at free of cost. Not all documents are allowed to Xerox, it is restricted to certain resources.
Outside users of our library can avail the Xerox facility against nominal
payment. Photocopying is subjected to Copy Right Act.
Literature search service
CECRI library provides literature search service at free of cost for CECRI scientists and scholars on demand from domestic and international databases in the areas of electrochemistry. We provide bibliographic information collected from various online and CD-ROM databases.
The library extends its services to outside users also, especially, chemical researchers. The CECRI, is the only organization in the southern part of Tamil Nadu, which is in possession of invaluable collection of resources in the area of Electrochemical Science and Technology. In the past 50 year period, hundreds and hundreds of individuals, students, researchers and industrialists visited the library and got immense benefit out of the huge library collection. For more than a decade, the library offers fee-based information services - it supplies information to outside users against nominal charges based on the type of service it provides. The request form can be downloaded here.
Document supply service
The document supply service is also made available from other laboratories and NISCAIR, New Delhi if the user is willing to bear the expenses involved. We provide document supply (photocopies) from certain resources to other laboratories for their research purpose against nominal charges. It is subjected to Copy Right Act
Interlibrary Loan/borrow
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services provide access for non-CECRI readers to collections held at CECRI Library. Not all library materials are available through interlibrary loan. The library lends its resources to the libraries of other government and academic institutions on reciprocal basis. The Interlibrary borrow is a service provided to obtain materials which are needed for research but are not available in the CECRI Library. The borrow of documents through interlibrary borrow from other certain libraries is restricted to the staff of CECRI.
Conditions of use
Materials may be loaned for use in the library only and/or with restrictions on photocopying.
Time factor
The time an interlibrary loan takes is dependent on many factors: the time it takes to locate a lending library, whether that library has the material on the shelf, where the lending library is located, what their policies are, etc.
Conditions and requirements
Cooperating Libraries can borrow books and reports. Issue period, overdue charges, etc as per CECRI Library rules. Loose issues and bound volumes of journals are not allowed. Borrowing Libraries need to pay packing and postage charges. Borrowing Library is responsible for loss or damage of documents during transit. Documents should be returned by person/registered post/courier. CECRI Library holds all rights to recall any document issued at any time. Borrowing privileges as per agreed terms and conditions.
Any other clarifications/enquiries:
The Officer-In-Charge, Library and Information Services, CECRI, Karaikudi.
Library Rules
1. Users of the library should enter their names legibly in the register
kept for the purpose. There is a separate entry register kept for outside
2. Users desirous of using the library should leave all the books and
other personal belongings at the security counter before entering into
the library (note books, scribbling pads and papers are allowed).
3. Users should maintain silence in the library.
4. Open access system is followed in the library. Smoking is strictly
prohibited anywhere in the library premises. Use of mobile phones is
not allowed.
5. Users should not write upon, damage or make any mark on any book,
journal, etc., and belongings to the library.
6. Users shall be responsible for any damage to the books and other
resources. If one book of the set is damaged or misused, the entire
set has to be replaced.
7. Users may take out books from the shelves but they shall not attempt
to replace them on the shelves.
8. Members can borrow the books (eligibility depends on employee's
group and designation) for a period of 30 days. Loose issue of journal
and bound volume of journal issues are also may be given on loan for
a over night. Over due charges at the rate of Re. 0.25 per book/journal
per day will be collected from the members.
9. No document will be issued to the member who have already taken
maximum eligible documents. If a book is not returned when due, fresh
books will not be issued until the due book is returned.
10. No sub-lending/second lending is allowed to member on any reasons.
Members are not permitted to transfer the loan of a book standing in
their name to any other member.
11. Any book can be recalled by the Officer-In-Charge, Library at any
time. Members are required to return the books before getting no dues
clearance. Members on internal transfer, extension in the present project,
transferring to other projects, should submit their OM to the library
for updating the profile in our database.
12. Any matter not covered by the above will be solely decided by the
Officer-In-Charge, Library in consultation with the concerned department
Members of the library entitled to reserve any document(s) that are under issue to some other users. He/She may be given priority to borrow the document(s) immediately after returned back.
Cancellation of reservation
Cancellation of reserved documents done by the library staff only after consultation with the user who reserved.
Overdue charges
Overdue charges collected for books and other documents return after the due date mentioned in the date slip of each document. Over due charges of Re. 0.25 collected invariably for any documents return after the due date.
The overdue charges are assessed for every day an item is overdue, regardless of whether the library is open or closed during the overdue period.
Lost/damaged documents
The actual cost along with overdue charges are collected for loss of books. For the loss of out of stock titles, the double the time of actual cost will be collected. Documents found in damaged conditions during his/her loan period, the replacement of document will be recovered from the borrower. For loss of any part of multi volume books or special collections, the entire set has to be replaced by the borrower.
Charges for outside users:
Literature search service from CD-ROM/ Online databases:
- Rs. 125/- per year (database year)
- Rs. 500/- for 5 years
- Rs. 900/- for 10 years